Sepideh Sahar Pars Dairy Company

Interesting facts about the wonderful properties of animal butter

Interesting facts about the wonderful properties of animal butter

Interesting facts about the wonderful properties of animal butter

The history of Korea

It is as old as Western civilization. This dairy product was used medicinally in ancient Rome; At that time, people swallowed it to relieve coughs or massaged it on painful joints. This dairy product was used medicinally in ancient Rome; At that time, people swallowed it to relieve coughs or massaged it on painful joints. This dairy product was used medicinally in ancient Rome; At that time, people swallowed it to relieve coughs or massaged it on painful joints. There are many narrations about the first creation of Korea. One of these traditions, which is more interesting than the others, goes back to the nomads. The story is about a person who ties a sheepskin bag containing milk to a horse’s saddle and travels for a day to get to know a processed product called butter.

The oldest known buttermaking technique still used today is remarkably similar: farmers in many countries use a bag made from goat skin to make butter. Although there is no accurate information to prove exactly when Korea was discovered, but according to the available evidence, we can assume that this discovery was about 10,000 years ago.


Getting to know the wonderful properties of animal butter
In addition to fat and vitamin A, animal butter is also rich in minerals such as magnesium and calcium, which are very useful for preventing osteoporosis in old age and middle age. Calcium is the best nutrient for bones, and with a lack of calcium, a person will suffer from osteoporosis.
The fat in animal butter is very suitable for weight gain. Therefore, those who are looking to gain weight, this butter can be very useful, and as mentioned, it is very important to observe the level of moderation, because if a large amount of this butter is consumed, it may cause a person to face heart problems. Of course, keep in mind that excessive use of animal butter is harmful to the body. Because the fat in butter causes heart diseases.
Vitamin A has a great effect on increasing the power of vision and strengthening the nervous system, so its consumption by children is very useful and will prevent the weakness of their eyes.
Those who have high physical activity during the day can eat some of this butter daily along with cheese, jam, etc. and will see the wonderful effect of this butter in increasing their physical strength and energy. Vitamin B in animal butter increases energy during the day and a person can easily perform daily activities.
Skin cells constantly secrete fat in order to protect themselves from the intense sunlight and avoid dryness, and if the skin has less fat, the skin will become dry and as a result, skin wrinkles will follow. Therefore, the consumption of animal butter will be quite effective for providing the fat needed by the skin and will also prevent premature aging of the skin.
Lack of vitamin A in the body causes many diseases. One of the famous diseases that many people suffer from is thyroid. For this reason, due to the presence of vitamin A, animal butter can prevent a person from suffering from thyroid disease.
Omega 3 and Omega 6 are considered the best food for strengthening the brain. For this reason, using animal butter in your daily routine will avoid taking omega supplements. Because the body’s need for omega will be met by consuming animal butter. And the level of consciousness of the brain will increase.


Properties of animal butter:
1. Strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis

Butter contains vitamin D, a nutrient that is vital for bone growth and development. This dairy product also contains calcium, which is essential for strong bones. Calcium also helps prevent diseases such as osteoporosis.

2 Strengthening vision is another property of animal butter

Beta-carotene is a nutrient that is essential for vision and protects the eyes. Also, this substance reduces the risk of angina pectoris. Beta-carotene is one of the nutrients found in butter.

3 thyroid treatment with the help of butter

You may not believe it, but animal butter is recommended for people who struggle with thyroid. Butter contains large amounts of vitamin A, which is essential for the treatment of thyroid disorders.

4. Increasing heart health is another property of animal butter

If you buy a good quality butter, the fat will be of the beneficial type and therefore good for heart health. Of course, you should observe the balance in the amount of butter, like any other food.

5. Butter as a powerful antioxidant

Another one of the 5 properties of animal butter is its antioxidants. The presence of carotene in farm animal butter is an important source of nutrition for humans. Carotene has many benefits for the human body. This substance causes cell regrowth and repair and protects the body against various infections.

In addition, vitamin A is fat-soluble and is found in large amounts in animal butter. This vitamin is easily absorbed by the body and is useful for the skin, eyes, mouth, throat, urinary and digestive system. This vitamin can improve cell regrowth and regeneration and also strengthen the body’s immune system by encouraging the production of lymphocytes.

Why is animal butter better for health than vegetable butter?

The biggest and main difference between animal butter and vegetable butter is their origin. Animal butter is prepared from fresh milk, while vegetable butter or margarine does not contain dairy products and is prepared from vegetable oil.